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Checking Your Loan Amount

Manage Your HELP Loan

Checking Your Loan Amount

To determine the outstanding balance on your HELP loan, you can consult the Australian Tax Office (ATO) either through the myGov online portal or by direct contact.

Through myGov, you can access your loan account details, including the payment reference number (PRN) and voluntary contributions.

Government Study Loans

HECS-HELP is one of the government study loans available. Check your eligibility and stay informed about deadlines and limits.

Repaying Your Loan

To repay your HELP loan, you can opt for voluntary contributions or wait until the commencement of compulsory repayments once your income exceeds the repayment threshold.


Managing your HELP loan is crucial for financial well-being. Utilize the ATO's services to stay updated on your balance and repayment options. By understanding your loan status and repayment obligations, you can plan effectively for your financial future.
