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Gabby Douglas Withdraws From Winter Cup Comeback

Gabby Douglas Withdraws From Winter Cup Comeback

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Douglas To Miss Winter Cup Competition

Three-time Olympic champion Gabby Douglas has withdrawn from the Winter Cup competition, which was set to be her first competition in nearly eight years.

Douglas last competed in 2016 and had been scheduled to participate in the Winter Cup in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, February 24th. However, she has since withdrawn from the competition due to an injury.

Douglas won her first Olympic gold medal in 2012 in the team all-around competition. She also won individual gold in the all-around and floor exercise at the 2012 Olympics.

Douglas' withdrawal from the Winter Cup is a disappointment for gymnastics fans who were eagerly anticipating her return to competition. However, her withdrawal is a reminder that injuries are a part of sports and that it is important for athletes to prioritize their health and well-being.
